In the academic year 2023-2024, the curriculum of the civil engineering program was modified. As part of this, a new course titled "Contemporary Challenges in Civil Engineering: Selected Topics" was introduced. (Guest) speakers will be invited to elaborate on a specific aspect of civil engineering. External lectures will be open to all students and alumni of the civil engineering program (upon prior registration).
Hieronder kan je een overzicht terugvinden van alle lezingen en hun onderwerp. Inschrijven is niet nodig, je mag gewoon afkomen!
Waar: Auditorium D (1e verdieping), Gebouw Plateau, Campus Boekentoren
Wanneer: Dinsdag 4 maart 2025 – 17u30 – 18u45

Waar: Auditorium D André Devreker, Campus Tweekerken, ingang Hoveniersberg
Wanneer: Dinsdag 1 april 2025 – 17u30 – 18u45